Weekly Message October 18, 2024

by Father Evagoras Constantinides on October 18, 2024

My Dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

As the crisp chill of fall settles in, we feel the undeniable shift in the air. The days grow shorter, the temperatures cooler, and the colors of nature transform before our eyes. This transition, while often marked with a sense of nostalgia for the warmth of summer, is a familiar part of the rhythm of life. Year after year, the seasons come and go, reminding us that time is ever-moving, and that each change brings with it its own beauty, lessons, and opportunities for renewal.

Just as the seasons rotate through their cycle, so too does the ecclesiastical calendar of our Orthodox faith. Each year, we journey through feasts and fasts, through seasons of preparation and celebration, aligning our spiritual lives with the life of Christ and His Church. This rotation—whether in nature or in the Church—grounds us, reminding us of the consistency and order that God has placed in all things.

In the Church, the new ecclesiastical year begins on September 1st, just as nature begins to prepare for the cooler months ahead. We move through the great feasts of the Nativity, Pascha, and Pentecost, each marking a pivotal moment in the life of Christ and the Church. We also observe the cycles of fasting and feasting, which help us to reset, reflect, and grow in our spiritual lives. Like the changing seasons, these spiritual rhythms invite us to pause and consider where we are in our journey and how we can continue to grow in faith, love, and service.

What’s beautiful about both the natural and ecclesiastical calendars is that they offer us structure and balance. As life changes, as challenges arise, and as seasons of uncertainty come, the constancy of these cycles helps to keep us grounded. They remind us that no matter the season—whether one of joy or struggle—there is always purpose and divine wisdom in what God has designed. Every moment has its place, and every phase brings us closer to Him if we open our hearts to the lessons it carries.

As the weather continues to cool and we settle into this new season, may we also embrace the deeper spiritual cycles that guide our lives. Let us find peace in the rhythm of the Church’s calendar, which, like the seasons of nature, teaches us that change is not only inevitable but also necessary for our growth. In every season, both in nature and in our spiritual lives, we are reminded of God’s unchanging love, His consistency, and His guiding hand.

May we continue to find comfort and strength in this divine order, and may we use this time of transition to deepen our connection with Christ, to reflect on our own spiritual journey, and to prepare for the blessings that lie ahead.

In Christ’s love,

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