Weekly Message March 17, 2024

by Father Evagoras Constantinides on March 15, 2024

Dear Beloved Parishioners,

Is it true, can it be? Has Spring truly sprung? Are we at the end of another cold and dark winter? Yesterday truly seemed so!

As spring formally greets us next week, we will see all around us the changing of the seasons; the grass, flowers, and trees will start to bloom, the days will be sunnier for longer, the weather will warm up, and for many of us, a feeling of renewal and re-energization will be oh so present!

So too in the church, we are on the cusp of a change in our seasons, from one of normal time to that of Great and Holy Lent. Lent starts this Monday, March 18!

Lent is many things to many people, and I’ve always encouraged each person to truly challenge ourselves to make lent a personal dedication to Christ. Over the course of this weekend, think about how you are going to chart your lenten journey in regards to fasting, prayer, and church attendance. Don’t overdo it though! Too often, we make promises to ourselves about our spiritual commitments during Lent, and then if we fail to live up to those expectations, we become even more frustrated with the church, and sometimes even with God. It’s like me working out…I can’t decide to run a 5K every day right now, I’d never be able to do it. If I want to start, I have to start small, fully commit to my plan, and then work hard to live up to what I have committed to.

You see, when you decide on your lenten journey and commit to it, you are not committing to me, or your spouse or friend, you are committing to yourself and to God. You and God are deciding on a plan to enrich your spiritual life, so we have to work hard to both plan correctly and then follow through.

Choose a path for this lent that is both attainable and uncomfortable. Challenge yourself to do a little more than last year, a little more than ever before. And as spring turns to summer, and lent turns to Pascha, we will be transformed, rededicated and re-energized towards our one true goal, unity with God!

Don’t forget about Saturday of the Souls tomorrow, and all of the other amazing ministries and events listed here below. I hope to see you this weekend!

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